Social Media

How to add a custom Pinterest pin-it button to Squarespace or Wordpress + free download 12 Pinterest buttons

How to add a custom Pinterest pin-it button to Squarespace or Wordpress + free download 12 Pinterest buttons

Increase your shares with a custom Pin-it button!

Pinterest is a major traffic booster for a lot of bloggers, and, as you may know, one of the greatest ways to increase social media shares is to make sharing as easy and convenient as possible.

If you want to increase Pinterest traffic, you need to learn how to add a custom pin it hover button to your blog images!

Why bloggers absolutely need to be on pinterest + FREE Download Custom Pinterest Templates!

Why bloggers absolutely need to be on pinterest + FREE Download Custom Pinterest Templates!

Pinterest is so important for bloggers!

Here are 5 reasons why you should be focusing on Pinterest right now & and I'll show you how much traffic Pinterest is sending me (hint: it's significant)

5 Changes To Your Instagram Account That Will drastically increase your engagement!

5 Changes To Your Instagram Account That Will drastically increase your engagement!

Are you tired of hearing the same advice over and over about how to grow your Instagram following? How you need to be more active, take gorgeous photos and like lots of posts?

Well, I thought you might be, and I figured you might have tried those things already and that you're still left wondering what's missing.

That's why I've made a 5-step list of actions you can take on your Instagram account that don't include generic advice on how to do more of what you're already doing, but rather elements that you can implement into your Instagram planning which will truly set you apart.

And that's inevitably what you're after, right? Standing out from the crowd!

7 Surefire Ways to boost your blog Traffic in Just 30 Days! (NB. no. 4 is a gem!)

7 Surefire Ways to boost your blog Traffic in Just 30 Days! (NB. no. 4 is a gem!)

 Traffic is probably the number one word you go from loathing to loving when you move from employee to full-time blogger.

Here are 7 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic in the next 30 Days! Traffic to your blog is the very thing that will grow your following and build your influence. Blog traffic will increase your earning potential, and it will make your blogging business sustainable and strong.